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                Aviation Products

                MA60 Series Aircraft

                MA60 Series Aircraft:The MA60, a twin turboprop engine passenger aircraft, is designed, developed and verified according to the requirements of CCAR-25. As a matured, energy-saving & environment-

                MA60 Series Aircraft

                The MA60, a twin turboprop engine passenger aircraft, is designed, developed and verified  according to the requirements of CCAR-25. As a matured, energy-saving & environment-friendly turboprop civil aircraft, the MA60 features excellent safety, reliability, comfort and economic efficiencies.
                Adapting a two flight-crew system, the MA60 aircraft can seat 52-56 passengers, with a full-fuel range of 2,450 km. The MA60 aircraft can fly safely under a complicated weather condition; and with its precisely-designed landing gear system, it can make safe takeoffs and landings at airstrips of soft soil, grass and sandstone, etc.
                The MA60 has a well-equipped and bright passenger cabin with enough space for passengers' carry-on luggage. The temperature of the cockpit and passenger cabin can be adjusted to can be controlled within the range that makes people feel comfortable, providing passengers with fresh air during the whole journey.
                MA60 VIP aircraft, one of MA60 series designed and developed by XAC, is adherent to MA60’ high quality in terms of safety, reliability, economics, comfort, maintenance and control performance. It is the optimized choice for VIP guests, enterprise CEO, senior executives, and others for business travel and visit. MA60 has state-of-the-art airborne equipment and comfortable service facilities. Cabin inner layout can be redesigned to customer’s demands.
                Medical aid aircraft is another professional type modified from MA60 aircraft by XAC. It is capable of undertaking medical tasks such as medical security, first aid and casualty transport in varied airports and weathers.
