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                Architectural materials


                Production introductionALPOLIC/fr is composed of non-combustible mineral filled core sandwiched between two skins of 0.5mm thick aluminum (Code:3105-H14). The topside is coated with fluorocarbon paint

                Production introduction
                ALPOLIC/fr is composed of non-combustible mineral filled core sandwiched between two skins of 0.5mm thick aluminum (Code:3105-H14). The topside is coated with fluorocarbon paint and the backside is a wash coating. Die Coater was used in the continuous coil coating line ensures uniform color and smooth coating. The “Tang Chen YiPin” premium apartment house buliding which is called the first floor in China at Lujiazui Huangpu River, ALPOLIC was used in the exterior wall of the whole building. It’s Unique color and evenness add luster for the whole building.
