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                Industrial fasteners

                Industrial fasteners

                The domestic market of XAIC Tech.(Xi’an) Industrial Co., Ltd. Industrial fasteners business is mainly for the manufactures of the railway system buses, trains, subway and Vehicles repairing etc., At t

                The domestic market of XAIC Tech.(Xi’an) Industrial Co., Ltd. Industrial fasteners business is mainly for the manufactures of the railway system buses, trains, subway and Vehicles repairing etc., At the same time, XAIC-TIC also support the domestic railway system in China.
                XAIC not only provide customers with all kinds of industrial fastening products and tools, equipment installation commissioning and after –sales service, technical advise and support, we have firmly made our good brand image to the user in the heart. The existing railway system users are mainly : Changchun bus. Qingdao sifang, shanghai lastom, zhuzhou electric locomotive, permanent economic motor, Guiyang, Nanjing puzhen, xi’an rail transit vehicle, baoji bridge,etc., throughout the various provinces and cities in China.
